Monday, December 24, 2012
That's a Wrap!
Looks like production on Catching Fire officially ended on December 21st, and we are now into post production. Every month we get a little closer....
source: Twitter
EPIX Offers Fans 14 Day Trial!
We hope you enjoyed the 12 days of Questmas, if you haven't entered our giveaway you can do so HERE. In that post we mentioned this:
The Hunger Games on EPIXYou may have noticed some awesome Hunger Games billboards pop up in your town. They are for the world television premiere of The Hunger Games on EPIX! Catch it at 12 PM PST on New Year's Day or on January 4th as part of their free preview weekend hosted by the man with the beard, Wes Bentley.
Now we can announce that EPIX is giving fans a FREE (no credit card required!) 14 day trial with access to The Hunger Games as well as many other blockbuster movies.
And check out a new trailer for The Hunger Games to Girl On Fire by Alicia Keyes:
Courtney & Tiffany
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 11 of The 12 Days of Questmas!!
On the 11th day of Questmas we gladly bring to you....
A cup of tea and a sweet giveaway!!
If you've been following us on Twitter, you might have seen our tweets and retweets concerning the #12daysofHungerGames! Lionsgate has been spreading Christmas cheer all around the interwebs by teaming up with various Hunger Games fansites who are giving away a different holiday gift for use in The Hunger Games Adventures and even providing some sweet giveaways!
We are completely honored to be bringing you DAY 11 of the #12daysofHungerGames
Your Hunger Games Adventures Gift
Please enjoy this virtual cup of tea on us!
CLICK HERE for your exclusive gift!
The Hunger Games on EPIX
You may have noticed some awesome Hunger Games billboards pop up in your town. They are for the world television premiere of The Hunger Games on EPIX! Catch it at 12 PM PST on New Year's Day or on January 4th as part of their free preview weekend hosted by the man with the beard, Wes Bentley.
#12DaysofHungerGames GIVEAWAY!!
Thanks to Lionsgate, we are giving away FIVE Catching Fire books and FIVE Hunger Games DVDs.
Thanks for entering! Winners to be announced soon!
12 Days of Christmas Fansite Giveaways!!
Happy Holidays! If you checked our post on December 12th, you'd know that Lionsgate kicked off their "12 days of Questmas" giveaway! 12 fansites are giving away free stuff as well as a new gift everyday in The Hunger Games Adventures facebook game. We'll be updating this list every day so you don't miss a thing!
4. Down With The Capitol
5. Sparks Will Fly
6. My Hunger Games
8. HG Girl on Fire
9. HG Movie Site
10. Victor's Village
11. Welcome To District 12 <------------ That's us!!
12. HG Fireside Chat
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Jennifer Lawrence to Host SNL
Do you hear that? Those are the cheers and cries of joy from The Hunger Games fandom. Jennifer Lawrence is at long last going to host SNL on January 19th. HUZZAH!
Source: SNL Facebook
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Hunger Games Gets A Golden Globe Nomination!
The Golden Globe nominations are in and we snagged one! Huzzah! Well, rather Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars did:
Toby Jones, "The Girl"
Hold on, we're not done yet. Looks like Jennifer Lawrence also is nominated for Best Actress in a comedy or musical. As if that's a surprise to anyone. Best of luck to her as she's up against Emily Blunt, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, and Meryl Streep.
Here's a list of some other Hunger Games actors who have been nominated for other projects:
Philip Seymour Hoffman, "The Master"
Woody Harrelson, "Game Change"Toby Jones, "The Girl"
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Kicks Off Lionsgate's 12 Days of Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Lionsgate is partnering with 12 fansites in tons of giveaways that lasts 12 days! Today's the first day and is kicking it off:
They’re giving twelve fansites (each representing the 12 Districts of Panem) 5 copies of The Hunger Games DVDs and 5 copies of the Catching Fire book to give away to their readers. is very happy to be kicking off the sweepstakes with Day 1! Read on for more information on how you can win. We will update this post with the links to each fansite so that you can increase your chances of winning!Head over to to enter!!!
The 12 Days of Questmas
In addition to the sweepstakes, Funtactix, the creators of the Facebook game The Hunger Games Adventures, has created an in-game item exclusive to readers!
To claim your in-game gift, simply go to this link:
Hope you all are having fun with the newly added holiday quests in game! Each fansite will be giving you a link to a different exclusive item, so you’ll definitely want to come back each day to find out who’s next!
The Hunger Games 12 Days of Christmas
Day 1:
Day 2-12: TBD
To enter to win one of 5 THE HUNGER GAMES DVDS or 5 CATCHING FIRE BOOKS from Lionsgate and, simply use the Rafflecopter widget below and comment on this post by answering this question:
Some generous soul in the Capitol gives you $1,000 to spend on gifts for only one of the 12 Districts of Panem. What district would you choose to award and what gifts would you buy for them to give them a Merry Christmas?
We’ve included four additional ways for you to enter yourself, including a daily tweet entry. If you tweet about this contest, be sure to use the hashtag #12DaysOfHungerGames.
This contest will run from 12/12/12 to 12/23/12 at midnight Eastern time. The contest is open worldwide. And may the odds be ever in your favor!
We will be tweeting every fansite day, so make sure you are following us on twitter!
Hmmm....I wonder which fansites will be involved for the 12 days? Curious.... ;)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Watch Hilarious Parody Video: THE HOBBIT GAMES
In connection with the release of The Hobbit this week, check out this hilarious parody video: The Hobbit Games!!
Check it out:
Love love love The Hobbit? Listen to last night's HG Fireside Chat episode where we talk about THG and The Hobbit!
Check it out:
Love love love The Hobbit? Listen to last night's HG Fireside Chat episode where we talk about THG and The Hobbit!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Grammy nominations for songs off the Hunger Games soundtrack
Grammy nominations are out and songs off the Hunger Games soundtrack snagged a couple!
And Taylor Swift tweeted about it:
Watch the Grammys on Feb 10 on CBS to find out who wins!
And Taylor Swift tweeted about it:
Update for Victory Tour 2013: Register now!
Watch an update from Head Gamemaker Ellie from Victory Tour 2013:
Registering for Victory Tour 2013 is under way, and if you've been planning on attending, please do not hesitate to register! Victory Tour 2013 needs 100 more registrations by the end of December, or it can't happen.
Take it from us, getting to hang with fellow Hunger Games fans will be a blast. Sign up today!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
HUZZAH! Danny Strong CONFIRMED as Mockingjay Screenwriter
As far as we've heard, fans are stoked at the prospect of Danny Strong writing Mockingjay. In case you've missed our past coverage on the matter, rumors first hit the web in October and a few weeks later Elizabeth Banks posted about him on her blog. Since then, we've not heard a peep from Lionsgate (we even tried to find confirmation for ourselves) that is until today!
Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, they have posted an article with Danny Strong who talks in depth about his achievements this past year, at the very end he mentions Mockingjay:
Read the entire article over at EW
Well at last we have confirmation, and we are so so stoked. We are confident in Danny Strong's ability to honor the Mockingjay story, and am very glad to hear Lionsgate is trying to keep a lid on it all.
If you haven't, check out our Mockingjay Mockup series where we discuss splitting the book into two films. We are currently working on the next issue...
As far as we've heard, fans are stoked at the prospect of Danny Strong writing Mockingjay. In case you've missed our past coverage on the matter, rumors first hit the web in October and a few weeks later Elizabeth Banks posted about him on her blog. Since then, we've not heard a peep from Lionsgate (we even tried to find confirmation for ourselves) that is until today!
Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, they have posted an article with Danny Strong who talks in depth about his achievements this past year, at the very end he mentions Mockingjay:
As for Mockingjay — I can say very little about it. I was approached to pitch on it, and I just literally holed myself up for a week and came up with a presentation for two movies. I pitched my little heart out, and got the job. I literally can’t say anything else — I will just get in trouble. It’s, like, Defcon 5 on security over there. It’s really crazy.
Read the entire article over at EW
Well at last we have confirmation, and we are so so stoked. We are confident in Danny Strong's ability to honor the Mockingjay story, and am very glad to hear Lionsgate is trying to keep a lid on it all.
If you haven't, check out our Mockingjay Mockup series where we discuss splitting the book into two films. We are currently working on the next issue...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Panem Companion Victory Tour: District 7
We are honored to announce that we are the District 7 stop on the Panem Companion Victory Tour!
To read our review of The Panem Companion by V. Arrow, CLICK HERE.
We are very excited about this district since we are big Johanna fans, but Courtney also first came into this world close to Yosemite National Park so she has a big affinity for trees. HUZZAH District 7!
Thanks to Smart Pop Books, not only will we be showing you an exclusive excerpt from the book, but at the bottom you can enter to win your very own copy!
This victory tour being held for The Panem Companion is touring all the districts (fan sites), so keep an eye out for future stops, exerpts, and book giveaways!
District 7 – Excerpt from The Panem Companion by V. Arrow
“The question of Prim’s parentage is a significant point of analytical fandom debate.
Is blonde-haired, blue-eyed Prim really the “passes”-for-merchant biracial daughter of
darkhaired Mr. Everdeen? Or should Prim really be Primrose Mellark? There are staunch supporters on both sides of the issue . . .
“Some of the most compelling pieces of evidence for Prim’s potential Mellark lineage
come from the subtle ways that the Mellarks have become integral to the Everdeens’
family life and the similarities between Prim and the Mellark men (but not Mrs. Mellark,
with her unspeakable cruelty; it could even be inferred that both Prim and Peeta got their gentle natures from Mr. Mellark for precisely this reason: both Mrs. Everdeen and Mrs. Mellark are written very negatively, as emotionally distant and, in Mrs. Mellark’s case, physically abusive).”
Panem Names glossary excerpt:
Johanna Mason, District 7 Tribute in the Quarter Quell
“Although Mason generally refers to stonelayers when derived from French, the Old
English mason means to make. Considering that Johanna is from District 7 and their
specialty is lumber and forestry, it’s unlikely that the connection to stonemasonry is the
inspiration for her last name. Given her involvement in the Quell plot and the Second
Rebellion, it is more probable that her surname refers to the Freemasons, an international fraternal organization sometimes referred to as a secret society.
“Freemasonry ‘uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons’ tools and implements . . .
to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as ‘a system of values
and beliefs veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.’ They are also dedicated to the
principles of liberty, equality, and the pursuit of truth, just like Panem’s rebels—like
“Another potential origin is the mathematical Mason’s Rule, which deals with the
transfer of equilibrium in a branch of engineering and mathematics called control theory.
“Johanna is a German name, and is different from the English Joanna in both origin
and meaning. Joanna means God is gracious. Johanna, however, means God is merciful
or God’s merciful gift—ironic, given Johanna’s original Games strategy, as related by
Katniss: show no mercy.”
Buy The Panem Companion
Giveaway contest now closed. Stay tuned for winner announcement!
Book Review: The Companion Devoted Fans Deserve
The Hunger Games may not be the only series that you are "obsessed" with. Many of us claim to be experts in things like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and others. This list goes on, but perhaps many of you have experienced it yourself: You are wandering your neighborhood bookstore, and find oodles of "philosophy" books of [insert obsession here]. Many unofficial guides and companion books only scratch the surface of what’s going on in the novels and series that they concern. You buy it, you read it, and come to find that the book you just spent some money on tells you absolutely nothing that you don't already know. Where those types of companion books fail, The Panem Companion succeeds. The author V. Arrow is known with fans of The Hunger Games as the creator of one of the most widely known fan-made maps of Panem; she even discusses the inception and creation of that map in the very first chapter. Fans are assured that the author of this companion book is truly one of them, and in her book, she taps into and fleshes out what the fans really talk about.
WARNING: This book is not for the casual fan! V. assumes that those who read The Panem Companion have read the trilogy (probably more than once) and hints at the Internet culture of the Hunger Games fandom (You might have seen V.'s posts around tumblr or even livejournal. yep, that's still there). The point is, she not only really understands the internet culture (are you familiar with headcanons?), but understands the online Hunger Games fandom as a whole and what makes it tick. Where the media would assume that Hunger Games fans obsess over the supposed “love triangle”, V. knows that what concerns us most and what is frankly far more interesting are the ideals and ideas implied in the novel (which by the way, V. explains, isn't even technically a love triangle). She treats The Hunger Games the way an English Lit grad student would treat a classic literary work. She presents theories and topics that are discussed in fandom (Prim’s parentage, class, race and gender roles in Panem’s culture, the roles of family), and though not necessarily saying the reader should believe them, but supporting these theories with textual evidence, even looking to outside sources in the academic world, so that we may at least consider them and make our own judgments. If you are really interested in the culture of Panem and the thoughts and ideas The Hunger Games has to offer, you just might devour this book.
The Panem Companion is a guide for the critical thinker type of fan. It is well researched, and her arguments are pretty sound. Keep in mind that the book deals with The Hunger Games book-verse for simplicity and continuity. There aren’t many YA companion books out there that treat the source material with as much reverence and the fans with as much intellectual regard. The material in this book is not dumbed down and is at times at the college or graduate level, though V. does a great job with explaining more advanced terms for those who are unfamiliar with them so even younger or less experienced readers can follow along. On the flipside to that, V. very much “comes from the Internet”, using terms like “fandom” and “shipping” just as easily.
Knowing what we know about the fandom and how they communicate with each other, it's quite heartwarming knowing the author feels what you feel and understands what the books mean to us emotionally, not just some random dude with a philosophy major who think it's cool to write about what's "in". Because of the thoughts and ideas that came with The Hunger Games, it brought a big thirst for discussion, hence us looking to the internet to talk with others about this incredible series. I remember an episode of HG Fireside Chat sometime last year where we discussed an interesting blog posting by our friend Sylah from DWTC, and lo and behold we found it cited in the Panem Companion. V. really made us feel as if we have been seeing the fandom shape and grow side by side.
For any fan willing to go deeper into what The Hunger Games and its fandom is really about, for fans that love theories and discussions and critical thinking, The Panem Companion is a MUST BUY. Get ready for knowledge, get ready for your mind to be blown (Truly, my name is Cinna), and get ready to feel really really smart.
May your bread be toasty and your arrow fly straight,
Courtney & Tiffany
Stay tuned TODAY for a nifty post related to the Panem Companion...
Friday, November 30, 2012
Jennifer Lawrence in Entertainment Weekly's Entertainers of the Year Scans and Article
In addition to this there is an article on EW's website which has a little more content than the above scans. Check it out:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You’ve had an extraordinarily successful year. Is there a moment or decision which makes you particularly proud?source: EW
JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Personally, yes. Business-wise no. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. No matter what anyone says, I’m my own worst critic.
Well, if I was talking to your parents instead, what might they say was their proudest moment?
At the Toronto Film Festival for the Silver Linings Playbook premiere. I couldn’t sit with them because I had to sit with the cast. I went out first [afterwards] and then I saw them and my Dad had tears in his eyes. I’ve never seen my Dad with tears in his eyes, ever. My first thought was that someone hurt him or something! ‘What’s happened to my Dad?’ My mom was crying too but she always cries. They were really proud. That was probably the one moment I allowed myself to feel good and proud. ‘Okay, Mommy and Daddy are happy. They’re proud of me. This is awesome.’
You said you’re pleased with some of your personal decisions. Do you care to share a triumphant moment?
I was going to buy a place and then I realized that I’m just not old enough to own property. Everybody else was — Josh and Liam [her Hunger Games co-stars] bought a house, I was like, Okay I got to buy a house, that’s what’s supposed to happen. And then I finally was like ‘You know what? I’m going to rent until I’m old enough to buy a house.’ That was a huge weight off my shoulders.
Before the Hunger Games came out you told me you knew your life would be forever altered and that it was rare to meet a famous person who wasn’t jaded? After this year of massive attention, do you feel jaded yourself?
I’m different. It’s exciting for about five minutes — like walking through a restaurant and hearing people say your name to each other. After a while it starts to get creepy and scary and you feel cynical and now I do this thing where I’ve got this tunnel vision where I only see people that I recognize. I don’t look at strangers because I know if I look I’m going to make eye contact with people. I always imagined I would stay the exact same and I would be just as happy. And I’m not. It’s not that I’m ungrateful at all. Or unhappy. It’s just that people are different and it creeps me out so I only want to be around the people who still treat me the same. I don’t go home and brush my teeth and think I’m brushing my teeth like a famous person! You don’t notice it at all until you talk to a stranger and you realize they’re treating you differently and looking at you differently.
And yet you seem to have avoided the ugly tabloid attention faced by other young stars.
I’m just really boring. [Laughs] They’ve tried. There’ve been stories that are so not true and quotes that have been taken completely out of context. Like I’m dating John Mayer, when I’ve met him once. But the truth is I’m always in my house at five and sitting on my couch and going to bed at nine.
That sounds like lots of time for pop culture! Who and what entertained you this year?
What don’t I love about Game of Thrones? I was shooting in Prague so I didn’t have TV and I just got box sets of DVDs. I just watched Game of Thrones straight. I was obsessed, like I haven’t been since my Harry Potter days. Let’s see, my favorite movie was probably Ted. It is so, so funny. Any my favorite performance? Any time I see John Hawkes. He was so good in The Sessions. He always does that to me.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Suzanne Collins Autobiographical Picture Book Will Release in 2013
We know that Suzanne has said that she doesn't write children's books, she writes about war for children. Suzanne based The Hunger Games on a lot of her own experience of what she knew from her Father's experience of the Vietnam War. Scholastic has announced that they are publishing her autobiographical picture book about this time in her life. Check out the press release below!
New York, NY — November 29, 2012 — Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, today announced the publication of Year of the Jungle (September 10, 2013), an autobiographical picture book by Suzanne Collins, author of the worldwide bestselling The Hunger Games trilogy, with illustrations by James Proimos. Scholastic also announced plans to publish the trade paperback edition of Catching Fire (June 4, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-545-58617-7, $12.99), as well as repackaged paperback editions of Collins’s bestselling The Underland Chronicles, a five-book series about Gregor the Overlander, featuring all new cover art (Summer 2013). Scholastic will publish and deliver the books through all of its distribution channels.
Year of the Jungle ($17.99, ISBN: 978-0-545-42516-2), to be published on September 10, 2013, is an autobiographical picture book for ages 4 and up, based on the year Suzanne Collins’s father served in Viet Nam. The book is illustrated by James Proimos, an acclaimed picture book author-artist and television writer/animator. Longtime friends, Collins credits Proimos for initially suggesting she write books for children while they were working in children’s television together.
In Year of the Jungle, when young Suzy’s father leaves for Viet Nam, she struggles to deal with his absence. What is the jungle like? Will her father be safe? When will he return? The months slip by, marked by the passing of the familiar holidays and the postcards that her father sends. With each one, he feels more and more distant, and when he returns, Suzy must learn that even though war has changed him, he still loves her just the same.
“The Underland Chronicles, with its fantasy world and eleven-year old protagonist, Gregor, was designed for middle readers,” said Suzanne Collins. “The Hunger Games Trilogy features a teen narrator, Katniss Everdeen, and a stark dystopian backdrop for the YA audience. Year of the Jungle attempts to reach the picture book readers by delving into my own experience as a first grader with a father deployed in Viet Nam.”
“One of the things Suzanne has done so masterfully in The Hunger Games and The Underland Chronicles is to give readers an honest portrayal of the effects of war,” said David Levithan, VP, Publisher & Editorial Director, Scholastic. “Now she has done it for a younger age group, in a way that is sympathetic rather than scary, relatable rather than raw. This is something that Suzanne, as a military child, lived with for many years, and it’s something that all families will be able to share, whether they have a personal connection to the military or not.”
About the origins of Year of the Jungle, Collins explains: “For several years I had this little wicker basket next to my writing chair with the postcards my dad had sent me from Viet Nam and photos of that year. But I could never quite find a way into the story. It has elements that can be scary for the audience and it would be easy for the art to reinforce those. It could be really beautiful art but still be off-putting to a kid, which would defeat the point of doing the book. Then one day I was having lunch with Jim and telling him about the idea and he said, ‘That sounds fantastic.’ I looked at him and I had this flash of the story through his eyes, with his art. It was like being handed a key to a locked door. So, I just blurted out, ‘Do you want to do it?’ Fortunately he said yes. That afternoon, on the train ride home, the book started unfolding in my head. There’s a natural humor and sense of fun to his drawing style that makes the story approachable. As the emotional life of the main character evolves into darker places, the pictures beautifully keep pace with it, but they never lose that Proimos quality. His art made telling the story possible.”
“I had decided that I would not draw a single thing for a year and concentrate only on my writing,” said James Proimos. “In fact, I told this to Suzanne only minutes before she asked me to illustrate her next book. How could I refuse? The idea she laid out over burritos and ice tea during our lunch was brilliant and not quite like any picture book I had ever come across. The writing is moving and personal. What Suzanne does so well here is convey complicated emotions through the eyes of a child. The art had to do the same. We did not want this to be the kind of book that grownups put on a shelf, but instead be the kind of book that a kid would want to read again and again. Luckily, my brain is very much in touch with my first grade self and my art skills have never left that general vicinity.”Source: Scholastic
We're really thrilled about this project. It has always been intriguing how Suzanne has tapped into her personal experience creating The Hunger Games, so we will be interested to check this one out when it releases in 2013.
Filming in Hawaii to End December 22nd
Looks like production in Hawaii will most likely cease on December 22nd according to HawaiiNewsNow:
Although all the set photos have been great, we sort of hope there won't be too much more (so there are more surprises for us when we see Catching Fire). We are wondering what the next stop in production is, or if they will be wrapping principal photography after Hawaii. Wrapped production means they can move onto post production!!
NORTH SHORE, OAHU (HawaiiNewsNow) -Source: HawaiiNewsNow via DWTC
An almost guaranteed blockbuster has begun filming in Hawaii. Catching Fire, the much anticipated sequel in The Hunger Games trilogy, is shooting at several locations in the state between November 26 and December 22.
The star of the movie, Jennifer Lawrence, was spotted in character and armed with a bow and arrow splashing into the ocean on Oahu's North Shore Monday. Filming is also planned in Manoa.
"It's a testament to the fact that Hawaii was able to provide the location that they needed," said Donne Dawson, State Film Commissioner. "They looked all over the state and other jurisdictions and settled on several spots here on Oahu."
Although all the set photos have been great, we sort of hope there won't be too much more (so there are more surprises for us when we see Catching Fire). We are wondering what the next stop in production is, or if they will be wrapping principal photography after Hawaii. Wrapped production means they can move onto post production!!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Arena Scenes Shot in IMAX?!
According to Josh Hutcherson, the arena scenes will be shot in IMAX! MTV recently posted a video with Josh Horowitz interviewing Hutcherson, which you can check out below:
Source: MTV
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Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
"They actually built a cornucopia in Atlanta that we shot at, and it looks amazing, and the way that the spokes got out, and the way everyone comes up on the pedestals and the water — it looks incredible," he gushed. "I've seen some of the CG renderings that [director] Francis [Lawrence] has worked on, and they look really, really great."Although it is slightly disappointing the whole movie has not been shot in IMAX, I really think there is something truly creative about the idea of just the arena scenes in IMAX. It's quite a nifty audience immersing tool, as the video mentions connecting the idea to a "Wizard of Oz" moment. Isn't it cool we are getting more and more details about Catching Fire?
But the morsel fans will savor most is what Hutcherson had to say about the portions being filmed in IMAX.
Following a winning run for "The Hunger Games" in IMAX theaters (despite not being shot in the large format), Lionsgate announced in June that the follow-up would feature scenes filmed specifically for the big big screens, though did not divulge specifics.
"They're shooting, I think, all the stuff in the arena is going to be IMAX," Hutcherson said. "So when you go see it in IMAX, you'll see the regular movie when we're in the Districts and in the Capitol. When you see us go up in the pod in the games, it will open up into IMAX. It will be amazing. It's very cool."
Source: MTV
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving! 365 Days and Counting...
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We just wanna wish all you devoted Hunger Games fans a fantabulous Thanksgiving (raise your hand if you're using an ACTUAL cornucopia!) and to give you an even better reason to have thanks this year... Catching Fire is only ONE year away! I know it may seem long, but the day will come before you know it! We also have unexpected surprises in store while we wait for November 22nd, 2013. We hope Lionsgate has some great stuff for fans in store this next year in their Catching Fire marketing campaign. We can't wait!
As always, thank you so much for all the support you fans have given us the past two years. We are just astounded by this supportive fan community, and we look forward to the years to come!
Love, Courtney & Tiffany
Tick tock....
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Sam Claflin & Josh Hutcherson are Total Bros
What's this? According to Jennifer Lawrence, Sam Claflin and Josh Hutcherson have a "full blown bromance" that is "adorable" and "romantic". Sounds like the cast is getting along well!!
source: MTV
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Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
source: MTV
Lionsgate Officially Debuts Catching Fire Logo!!
At last it has arrived! If you've been keeping up to date with Catching Fire news, you'd know that the Catching Fire logo has been appearing before some screenings of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2. While this information surfacing on the web was leaked information, we've been waiting on Lionsgate's official online release to post it. Whether you've already seen it or new to the party....HERE IT IS!
UPDATE: To enter, go to, share, and it should give you a form to fill out for your entry. Alternatively, under the social networking icons at the bottom click the "skip" link and it will take you right to the entry form.
Check out the press release, which also mentions a contest in which you could have your name in the credits of Catching Fire!
UPDATE: To enter, go to, share, and it should give you a form to fill out for your entry. Alternatively, under the social networking icons at the bottom click the "skip" link and it will take you right to the entry form.
Check out the press release, which also mentions a contest in which you could have your name in the credits of Catching Fire!
Lionsgate has officially unveiled the new logo for THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE in the form of a MOTION POSTER exclusively on the HUNGER GAMES Facebook page.As a special thank you to all the Hunger Games fans, 12 lucky winners chosen at random from the Facebook page will be featured in the end credits of the film.Winners will be announced when the Facebook page hits 12 Million Total Fans.Fans are being encouraged to spread the word online by sharing the motion poster and entering to win the chance to be a part of The Hunger Games franchise forever!THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE opens nationwide November 22, 2013!Share #TheSpark & Win!Please share this with your readers.----------------------------------------------------- SYNOPSIS:THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE begins as Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark. Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a "Victor's Tour" of the districts. Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever.THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE will be directed by Francis Lawrence, and produced by Nina Jacobson’s Color Force in tandem with producer Jon Kilik. The novel on which the film is based is the second in a trilogy that has over 50 million copies in print in the U.S. alone.Lionsgate will release THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE on November 22, 2013.----------------------------------------------------- Official Logo Reveal and Sweeps Page: www.catchingfirelogo.comOfficial Facebook Page: #TheSpark#CatchingFire-----------------------------------------------------

Monday, November 19, 2012
Jennifer Lawrence on Jay Leno
YES! We love Jennifer Lawrence on talk shows! Tonight she appeared on Jay Leno, and here are the videos from the interview:
We also REALLY encourage you to see the Silver Linings Playbook if it is playing in your area!
source: the tonight show
We also REALLY encourage you to see the Silver Linings Playbook if it is playing in your area!
source: the tonight show
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Potter Games (Teefury edition)!
Check out today's Teefury! It's called "The Potter Games", combining Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. Coincidentally, we participated in making a series of choose-your-own-adventure games also called "The Potter Games". You should totally try it out!!
Head over to to buy the shirt. It's only available for 24 hours!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Victory Tour 2013 Location and Dates!
New details about Victory Tour 2013, a convention for fans by fans. Also, it will not just be centered around Hunger Games BUT ALSO other young adult franchises too! Check out the press release:
Will you be going to the Victory Tour 2013?
After a few minor set backs and much anticipation, Victory Tour 2013 would like to announce the dates and location of the convention: June 19-22, 2013 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Two registration levels are currently available for purchase: Citizen Registration and Rebel Registration. Lit Day is available for Citizens to purchase separately and is included with the Rebel registration fee. Attendance for the event has been maxed out at 500 to insure the quality of the experience for all attendees and the availability to attend and participate in main stage and interactive events. Only 200 Rebel registrations will be available. As we secure special guests, additional options, such as autographs, will become available.
We encourage attendees to stay at the hotel at which the convention will take place, which will help in supporting the convention as well as make your experience more cohesive. A special group rate will be available for convention attendees. The link for the hotel will be provided in the coming weeks.
To access the Registration page, simply go to and click on
the “Register” tab.
Will you be going to the Victory Tour 2013?
Friday, November 9, 2012
Catching Fire Production Schedule Opens
Remember the Fox/Lionsgate debacle concerning Jennifer Lawrence's scheduling?
The reason that the Catching Fire production schedule is so cramped is because the X-Men First Class sequel was due to start production in January. Now it seems they are pushing production to April, which if this is indeed true, means the production schedule can relax a little.
From Film Thrasher:
Source: FilmThrasher
The reason that the Catching Fire production schedule is so cramped is because the X-Men First Class sequel was due to start production in January. Now it seems they are pushing production to April, which if this is indeed true, means the production schedule can relax a little.
From Film Thrasher:
Since earlier this year, there has been a large focus on Jennifer Lawrence and two of her upcoming projects: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and X-Men: Days of Future Past. The actress torn between both sequels, reports surfaced that 20th Century Fox would be aiming for a January start which would only rush the production for Catching Fire in the process. But in the months since, Days of Future Past has hit at least one major snag while filming still continues strong for Catching Fire. Now, it seems one of the two studios have finally budged and finally makes more sense of the schedule at hand.
The Geek Files over at Coventry Telegraph (via CBM) reports that filming for X-Men: Days of Future Past has been pushed from a January 2013 start to an April date. The push allows not only for an extended filming of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire for Lawrence, but will also give Bryan Singer time to adjust the script for Days of Future Past into his vision before pre-production begins and as set begin construction.
Source: FilmThrasher
Giveaway Winners!
Hi guys! In celebration of our two year anniversary, we gave away some sweet Hunger Games stuff to fans in a random drawing. First off, we want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who entered and all who filled out that "bonus" entry and left us messages! You guys said some hilarious and endearing things, and we had a great time reading them. Now here's the list of winners:
Congrats to those who won! We will be sending out prizes this weekend!
- @picklepodd and @Literarygenius both won Peeta necklaces! So many people put that as their #1 choice for prizes so we decided to replace it with the Gale lanyard.......sorry Gale. ;)
- @gabyrosas won the signed poster!
- JensCakeBalls won the Mockingjay lightbulb!
- @MoMoKelley1 won the magnet set!
- @natalie9nicole won the Katniss lanyard!
- @Amy_Katherine3 won the candle holder!
Congrats to those who won! We will be sending out prizes this weekend!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Victory Tour 2013 Convention Update!
A post long overdue! Victory Tour 2013 has made some changes since we posted about it last time, so we wanted to make sure you guys were up to date! As of now, in addition to Hunger Games awesomeness at the convention, other young adult book series will also be present. Also, as announced on tonight's HG Fireside Chat, registration will be open tonight at MIDNIGHT!
Here's the recent update from the Victory Tour website:
Dearest fans,
Over the past few weeks, we have been dealing with some legal issues involving the convention. This has encouraged us to expand the convention to include some other fan favorites. This gives us the opportunity to include all of the events we have already announced plus add a layer to the convention that didn’t previously exist through other much loved novels and films.
We are hoping these additions give attendees the opportunity to explore some new books and fandoms, as well as contrast and compare their favorites with other fans. We look forward to bringing this convention to life and can’t wait to see you there!
Please be aware that this change may affect the registration date. Stay tuned for updates and changes! For a peek at the books we’re considering, see our new “The Books” section under “Programming”.
Thanks for your continued support and excitement!
Register HERE
Follow Victory Tour 2013 on TWITTER
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Lionsgate Confirms Francis Lawrence Will Direct Mockingjay Films
Hold onto your hats, kids because some CRAZY news just came out. Today Lionsgate tweeted that Francis Lawrence is tapped to direct Mockingjay part 1 and 2. This is a little shocking given that sources said a few months ago they would be looking for two separate directors for Mockingjay due to its short schedule.
There doesn't seem to be a press release at the moment, but because Lionsgate News has tweeted it, this makes it official!
On one hand it is a little worrisome due to the fact we have not seen his take on Catching Fire yet, and on the other we are pretty stoked because one director for Catching Fire, Mockingjay Part 1, and Part 2 means CONTINUITY!
What are your thoughts, guys? Are you happy with this news?
Source: Twitter
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
James Newton Howard To Return to Score Catching Fire
Hope you all loved The Hunger Games score because James Newton Howard is returning! We're pretty psyched because we love consistency and we'll get a richer score this time around on account of the time constraints of the last film (some of that score was taken from other recordings). Read on!
Composer James Newton Howard confirms in a new interview that he will return to The Hunger Games franchise to score Catching Fire.Source: Hypable via Film Music Site
Howard scored the first Hunger Games film, which we learned he would do in December 2011 after replacing Danny Elfman. He’s no stranger to Catching Fire director Francis Lawrence; Howard scored Lawrence’s I Am Legend and Water for Elephants. It seems like this decision was a no brainer for both sides.
The composer revealed the news in an interview with Film Music Site. Other films he’s taken on in recent years include The Dark Knight, Snow White and the Huntsman, The Green Lantern, The Bourne Legacy, and The Last Airbender.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Danny Strong Adapting Mockingjay Kinda Sorta Confirmed!
Elizabeth Banks is as good as Lionsgate, right? Well, today on her website she announced that Danny Strong is indeed working on Mockingjay:
Right now I’m filming The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, but the powers that be are hard at work adapting book #3, Mockingjay. Going Twilight-style, the third book will be split up into two movies, both written by Buffy alum Danny Strong.Source:
He acts and writes! He wrote the HBO flicks Game Change and Recount, so tight, I can't wait to see what he does with Mockingjay!
Part one of Mockinjay is scheduled for release November 21, 2014, to be followed by the final film in The Hunger Games series November 20, 2015.
This is good news! We heard a rumor about this, but we are extremely pleased to hear that this may not be a rumor after all! We trust Danny Strong will honor the text of Mockingjay in the way that it should be for the films.
Check out our Mockingjay Mockup (to be updated soon) series in which we talk about how we'd like Mockingjay to be split and adapted.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
WtoD12's 2 Year Birthday Giveaway!!
It's our 2nd birthday! HUZZAH! Two years ago today, we started our Hunger Games journey on Tumblr posting news, opinions, and discussions with other Hunger Games fans. Since then, we have had some CRAZY cool opportunities and our lives have completely changed! Before we get into giveaway details, we look back at our favorite moments in the past year:
Lionsgate visit to see the first full length trailer
Top 7 Hunger Games Memes (A discussion between Courtney & Tiff when Hunger Games memes were new)
The #HungerGames100 Puzzle hunt (our puzzle piece and the meme we made)
Meeting Josh Hutcherson
The Hunger Games MALL TOUR FRENZY!
Exclusive Premiere Photos
Fan Site Shenanigans in LA Times
Fan Site Shenanigans on ABC's Nightline
Tiffany on Celebuzz's 100 days of The Hunger Games
Video Coverage of The Hob Campground for HG Premiere
We get ridiculous for GARY ROSS IS BOSS
Fan site special feature screening @ Lionsgate!
Uncovering SECRETS of The Hunger Games BLU-RAY!
Our AWESOMELY HILARIOUS interview with Jack Quaid & Dayo Okeniyi
Why HG fans will appreciate Halloween Horror Nights @ Universal Studios Hollywood
We wanted to do a special giveaway for the occasion, so here is what you could win:
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HG Magnet Set |
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Glass Mockingjay Candle |
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Mockingjay Lightbulb |
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Peeta Necklace |
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Gale Lanyard / Katniss Lanyard |
But the coolest prize of all.....
So how to enter? Well, just fill out the form below and you'll be entered! The more social websites of ours you follow, the more entries! And of course, may the odds be ever in your favor.
*Contest closed. Stay tuned for winner announcement!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Rumor: Danny Strong to Write Both Parts of Mockingjay
Here's some pretty nifty news if it ends up being true: Danny Strong (remember Jonathan from Buffy?), who just won an Emmy for Game Change, might end up being the writer for both Mockingjay Part 1 and Part 2. Check out what Variety had to say:
Fresh off winning two Emmys for writing and co-exec producing HBO's "Game Change," Danny Strong has been tapped to write the two-part "Hunger Games" finale "Mockingjay" for Lionsgate, sources tell Variety.
Strong was one of Variety's 10 Screenwriters to Watch in 2007 who won a WGA Award for writing HBO's 2009 telepic "Recount."
"Mockingjay" isn't the first time Strong has been tapped to adapt a bestselling book finale, as he was also hired to rewrite "The Lost Symbol" for Sony, Imagine Entertainment and director Mark Romanek. Book is a sequel to Dan Brown's hit thrillers "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels & Demons." Scribe recently wrote "The Butler" for Lee Daniels, and he's also co-producing that historical drama. Additionally, Strong is writing a legal drama series inspired by a famous father-daughter lawyer duo for CBS, Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal's Tribeca Prods. and director David O. Russell. He started his career in front of the camera, with recurring roles on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Gilmore Girls" and most recently, AMC's "Mad Men."
Although we are starting to see more and more media sites report on this, this is still a rumor until Lionsgate confirms!
In the meantime, if you are looking to see a fan's view of how Mockingjay should be split, be sure to check out our series Mockingjay Mockup.
Source: Variety
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Catching Fire Cast Revealed!
This is very curious, Lionsgate announced the remaining victors for Catching Fire. Or rather, they whispered it. At least we know who they are! Click the name to check our their IMDB page.
District 5
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Boy: James Logan / Girl: Ivette Li-Sanchez |
District 6 (Morphlings)
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Boy: Justin Hix / Girl: Megan Hayes |
District 7
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Blight: Bobby Jordan |
District 8
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Woof: John Casino / Cecilia: Elena Sanchez |
District 9
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Boy: Daniel Bernhardt / Girl: Marian Green |
District 10
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Boy: Jackson Spidell / Girl: Tiffany Waxler (remember her?) |
and what about the mystery woman? Get ready for disappointment. It's just...
Mrs. Everdeen. *WAH-WAH*
Friday, September 21, 2012
Why Hunger Games Fans Should Attend Universal's Halloween Horror Nights!
Tonight happens to be the very first night of Halloween Horror Nights, and you need to trust us when we say IT'S A MUST FOR HUNGER GAMES FANS!
Perhaps you may be familiar with the Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure show that runs during the event. This hilarious parody show is known for skewering the latest in pop culture, dance numbers, and this year - some crazy awesome pyrotechnics.
I expected to see perhaps a Hunger Games reference in at least one part of the show, but how wrong I was. Clearly I had forgotten what a huge impact The Hunger Games has made on the general public and headlines over the past year.
Since the event has just begun, we won't spoil you on the specifics but take a look at some pictures from the show in Hollywood:
Also, with the new editions of The Walking Dead and Silent Hill, this year's Halloween Horror Nights is the best yet!
Event goes from September 21st - October 31st during weekends!
Perhaps you may be familiar with the Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure show that runs during the event. This hilarious parody show is known for skewering the latest in pop culture, dance numbers, and this year - some crazy awesome pyrotechnics.
I expected to see perhaps a Hunger Games reference in at least one part of the show, but how wrong I was. Clearly I had forgotten what a huge impact The Hunger Games has made on the general public and headlines over the past year.
Since the event has just begun, we won't spoil you on the specifics but take a look at some pictures from the show in Hollywood:
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Photo credit: @hausofjoel |
Notice the set complete with pedestals, weapons, and a Cornucopia
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Character resembling Effie havin' hangs with Death. NBD. |
If you wanna see the show for yourself, you can buy tickets for Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood or Orlando (Unfortunately, we have no idea what the Orlando Bill and Ted show is like).
Also, with the new editions of The Walking Dead and Silent Hill, this year's Halloween Horror Nights is the best yet!
Event goes from September 21st - October 31st during weekends!
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