Friday, October 9, 2015

Hunger Games News Roundup

We've got some little bits of news here and there that we thought we'd put them all in a nice round-up post!

First off, check out this sweet new IMAX poster, debuted by Wired! Generally, IMAX posters tend to be more artistic and creatively designed and this one is no different.

Next up, another video from the Camp Mockingjay interview with Josh Horowitz has been released, this time with Josh and Jennifer recreating the nightlock scene in The Hunger Games with roles reversed!

Lastly, the event mentioned in the Samsung/Lionsgate press release with the VR experience debut in New York started today, with Jena Malone in attendance at the party. See the invitation below for details.

According to, the full VR experience will be available for download on Monday for the Samsung Gear VR, if you have that sort of thing, and will eventually be available for iOS, Android, and Oculus Rift.